07 Nov Thanksgiving With Your Dog
The holidays are fast approaching and the weather is getting colder. Will your dog be prepared? Remember specific foods that can be harmful for your dog such as raisins, grapes, onions, meat skin, chocolate, garlic, ice cream and dairy products just to name a few . You don’t want to be picking up diarrhea or dog puke in front of your guests and grandma and aunt Mary!! Also the smell will surely over shadow that delicious turkey or pie in the oven!! Ppppppuuuuuu!!!
So to stay safe and secure have Rover’s favorite chew bone, toys, bed and food in a special place In the house . Keep him or her gated off and away from being stepped on and escape proof as the door will be opening and closing ALOT!! You don’t want the family and friends spend their whole time at the vets or on A search party!! Follow these little tips and ALL will have a happy holiday! And yes you can slip Rover a piece of turkey and pumpkin pie as a special treat!! Just beware of farts and perhaps at the holidays you CAN blame the dog!!