14 Dec Ohhh Baby!! Introducing a new baby to the dog
So you’ve had your dog a while and a new baby is about to arrive. It is CRUCIAL you plan ahead to get your dog ready for the little bundle of joy. While pregnant gradually introduce baby lotions, baby’s toys, baby blankets, and the baby’s room and crib.When it gets close to delivery, slowing start to not give the dog as much attention. TEach and be sure he understands PlACE, and gradually change his routine. This an exciting time for you and your spouse but can be frightening for your dog. When you come home with the baby, allow the dog to sniff his blanket and clothes while at a distance and ON a leash. When you are around the baby,give your dog plenty of attention and be sure he knows place and put him there while changing, nursing, or sleeping. It is ok to gate off the baby’s room. And NEVER EVER leave the dog alone with the baby or small child. Even the BEST behaved dog!!, once the dog is familiar with the baby, and poses no threat, it is ok to allow him to sniff the baby off leash. Don’t ever yell at the dog or discipline the dog if he eats the baby’s toy. Without saying a word, remove the toy, and give him one of his own toys. Don’t make it a big deal. He has enough to deal with and does not need any more stress which can cause anger and eventually aggression. All I can say is PREPARE the dog as well as you over the 9 months of pregnancy, and all will be one big happy family once the bay arrives!! Remember he was your first love and you can share the joy!!!