16 Dec Grieving the Loss of your dog
Wow hard subject, but anyone who has owned a dog, has been through this tough time. It is true, it is hard and VERY real to feel grief after the loss of a dog. You will go through the stages of loss just like when a human dies, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and then acceptance. Don’t rush off and get another dog,or throw out all their things. Take the time to heal, remember all those great days, and take your time. You will benefit much more with the new dog and they will too. So don’t rush! Your dog can never be replaced, but when the time feels right, the new dog can breath life back into you and closer to acceptance. To heal, make a memorial, place a photo or favorite toy in a visible place, or write a blog or post on social media remembering your dog and all he did. Writing always helps with expressing emotions and getting them on paper to reread is always a great thing. Even use this to techique with your child. Maybe have them draw a favorite picture of the dog doing his favorite thing. Let them sleep with his collar or leash next to the bed. As a family maybe plant a tree and scatter the ashes in the soil. All good ideas to move forward. There is no time limit on when to be over the loss, everyone grieves differently. There are many publications out there too to read on how to cope, and even some support groups. Just never feel guilty you should always be proud of the life you have you gave your special friend and they know that too. Crossing rainbow bridge is never an easy task, but just always know you will meet again, someday. Hugs.