09 Dec Is my dog depressed?
Around the holidays many people can get depressed and be withdrawn. Did you know your DOG can too? Yes even your cute adorable canine can become depressed. Watch for signs of withdrawal lack of wanting to play, eat or greet you after work. Check for excessive paw licking, shedding and the tail between the legs. ALL could be signs you’re dog is depressed. A trip to the vet is always a good way to know for sure and to rule out anything more serious. If spending time with your dog playing, giving lots of hugs , kisses and attention doesnt perk up the pooch, there might be something g else going on.
Although we all get busy this time of year, DONT neglect the pooch!! Involve him with your activities, make time for play and allow them to curl up next to you at the end of the day. They don’t know it’s christmas they just know you changed their routine. They don’t know why. So keep things as normal as possible and you will have one happy pup!!